select c.relname, a.attname as "Column", pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as "Datatype"
from pg_catalog.pg_attribute a inner join pg_stat_user_tables c
on a.attrelid = c.relid
WHERE a.attnum > 0
and NOT a.attisdropped
and c.relname = 'nome tabela'
Para mudar o tipo de letra de campos da tabela. Neste exemplo estou transformando para caixa baixa todos os campos de 'nome tabela'
update pg_catalog.pg_attribute a set attname=lower(attname)
where a.attrelid in
(select relid from pg_stat_user_tables c
WHERE c.relname = 'nome tabela' )
and a.attnum > 0
and NOT a.attisdropped